Session I Breakouts
(Friday, 10:45am -1200pm)
Matthew Lilley
The Tabernacle of David: Understanding the pattern of the Tabernacle of David, and its importance for all believers.
Gail Stathis
Leadership and Focus in Changing Times: Standing Strong in the Fire
Change and transition can be hard. In perilous times what principles in the word of God help prepare us to Stand Strong in the Fire?
Duane Hicks
Honoring the Presence of God by Dwelling in Unity: How Unity Promotes Presence.
Session II Breakouts
(Friday, 1:30pm-3:00pm)
Matthew Lilley
Worship & Intercession: Ministering to God as Priests and Kings
Prayer Room Ministry, Leading a Prayer Ministry.
(This class is interactive in worship and teaching)
Brian Oliver
Preparing for Revival: Lessons I Learned From Brownsville
Session III Breakouts
(Saturday, 10:00am-11:15am)
Gail Stathis
Preparing for the Call: How, What, When and Where
Duane Hicks:
Honoring the Presence of God by Dwelling in Unity: How Unity Promotes Presence.
Pastor Tad Tankard:
Preparing the Bride for His Return: A Bride for Issac
Refresher For Lead Pastors & Spouses
Friday, July 21 from 3-4pm
Join Pastor Tad & Treva for a time of refreshing and renewal!